rozsa's Diaryland Diary


Just another \"typical\" day

Not feeling so hot today. Did not make it to the gym because I spent half the morning in the bathroom. ugh.....

So if I cancel on anyone today, I apologize, but this could be simply my body telling me I need to chill for a little bit. I really have been running it ragged lately.

Last night I got off work and ran to Hancock's to get the cotton batting for Duncan's gambeson that Mel is making. Both Mel and Bonnie were twitching about the polyester batting he had gotten for the gambeson on Sunday night. Apparently the polyester will fry him on the field and Mel was having an extremly hard time bringing herself to make the gambeson with polyester. So I got that fixed.

Went on over to Mel's for more adventures in sewing. This time I pinned the dress that I was laying the pattern out for to the rug. Mel is being gracious enough to make me a ten-gore out of the pattern that Emma made for me. I picked up some beautiful brocade on sale awhile back and can't wait to see how this dress turns out. Of course we had to add 6" to to bottom of all the pieces because I just can't have a dress that does not "hit the floor and drag". :)

Yes, walking can be more difficult, but to be honest I fell down more in poofy pants then I ever have in a full gown that drags. The gypsies were threatening to take my poofy pants away from me for a little while because I couldn't seem to manage to stay upright in them. My foot kept getting caught in the material on the other leg...... :(

And Yes, I know that the bottom of my dress is getting filthy being dragged through the mud and dirt and grass. C'est la vie. The dress was made for the SCA, and more often than not, we are outside in the SCA. (The best part: I can wear any comfy shoes my heart desires!)

Have to brag on Humfrey for a moment! Got to Bonnie and Robear's on Sunday night and was told that Hump was called into Court for something at Wastelands but they weren't sure what. So I called him immediately..... he got the award for being the most chivalrous on the field that day! I am so proud of him and happy for him!! Apparently Sir Daemon carried him into court over his shoulder to present him to Her Majesty.... :)

Well off to put together my binder for all the going's on at Baronial Birthday. I am going to go ahead and schedule it now, the weekend of Sep 25-26 is a cave weekend for me. I will be home, if you want to see me, you will have to come there. And you could be put to work sorting and cleaning! I have so much crap to get out of my house - that pack rat thing is getting highly annoying and I have so many things that I have not touched in eons stashed all over.

You see, if I don't schedule it now, something will come up to fill it. I will gone the week of Pennsic, I will be home for one weekend (which is my birthday weekend); Coronation is the next weekend; then SSBB; then I am doing something with the Hafla at Raiders the following weekend (won't know exactly what until Halima and I actually catch each other in this phone/email tag we are currently playing). So the weekend after that I am staying home!

I'm tired, and rambling.... ya'll have a good day.

8:46 a.m. - 2004-06-15


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